Sunday, July 5, 2009


What we can control vs what we can’t control

In life, we must accept the fact that not everything is in our control. There are things we can change and others we cannot, all we need is wisdom to know what we can or cannot change and the courage to make the changes.

"Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; The courage to change the things I can change; And the wisdom to know the difference."

- Reinhold Niebuhr

Change in marriage

Fact: People do not change (much) after they get married, they can only improve. If spouses insist on changing each other, they will be communicating rejection which will lead to an unhappy marriage. You get the best out of people when they are free to be themselves

Where the rubber meets the road!

Imagine a car suspended mid-air. The ignition is on, the gear is on high speed, the accelerator is down, and the speedometer reads 100km/hr. the tyres are rolling fast, but the car is not moving because the tyres are not touching the road. Just like the car suspended mid-air, many people have not found the connecting points between their spiritual experience in Church and the reality of daily living.


Leadership is the ability to influence a group of people towards the achievement of worthy goals. Everything rises and falls on leadership. So God is always on the search for men and women that he can work with (Jer. 5:1). Aspiring to leadership in other to serve God and the church is an honorable ambition (1 Tim. 3:1, Jer. 45:5).

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